paul n. 1.保罗〔姓氏,男子名〕。 2.【基督教】使徒保罗。 rob Peter to pay Paul 劫甲给乙,借东还西。
On paul de man ' s criticism of structuralism 论保尔183 ;德曼对结构主义文学批评的批评
A comparison of the deconstructive reading between paul de man and bloom 德曼与布鲁姆解构阅读法之比较
Paul de man , allegories of reading : figural language in rousseau , nietzsche , rilke , and proust ( new haven : yale university press , 1979 ) 塞尔登: 《文学批评理论- -从柏拉图到现在》 ,刘象愚等译(北京大学出版社, 2000 )
Paul de man begins by noting a decline in what he calls “ formalist and intrinsic criticism . ” and he accounts for this by observing an increasing interest in reference amongst literary critics 德曼从形式主义和内在批评的衰落和对在批评家中间越来越多被谈及的“指意”开始他的论述。
Start with the comment of levinson , a new historicism critic , on the poem tin tern abbey by william wordsworth , the author tried to understand the history reflected from the poem with the help of jameson ' s viewpoint " absence of history " , and to analyze the nature appeared in the poem with the help of the theory of allegory by critic paul de man who did great research work on deconstruction 摘要本文从新历史主义批评家列文森对于华兹华斯《丁登寺》一诗的批评入手,借助詹明信的历史“缺场”观点来理解华兹华斯在这首诗中所反映的历史,同时借助解构主义文评家保罗?德?曼的寓言理论来分析该诗所呈现的自然。
Paul de Man (December 6, 1919, Antwerp ? December 21, 1983, New Haven, Connecticut) was a Belgian-born deconstructionist literary critic and theorist.